In Turkey, mushroom plants can usually be built in private greenhouses, insulated structures made with metal panels and reinforced concrete buildings. The structure of the building will be an important issue to conserve moisture and heat. Therefore, it will also […]
İSTİRİDYE MANTARI YETİŞTİRİCİLİĞİNDE ÜRETİM AŞAMALARI VE İHTİYAÇLARI: 1. AŞAMA: ilk 15-20 gün Sarım tamamlanıp pinler çıkana kadar;  ilk 15-20 günlük bu dönemde kompost iç sıcaklığı 25-28 C olmalıdır, oda sıcaklığı kompost iç ısısına göre ayarlanmalı yaz kış 20-25 C civarında […]
Humidity is the amount of water in the air. To increase the humidity, it is necessary to add water vapor into the air. There are basically 5 methods to evaporate water. Wetting the floors and waiting for the water to […]
Maybe we never think about it, but we need industrial humidification in many areas of our lives. Vegetables on a grocery counter need spray of water. Because the leaves of the vegetables dry out while they are stay on the […]

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